As I approach the end of this project I have transitioned to focusing on polishing the assets I have created over the course of the project. For some assets, I have touched up the texture to create a more detailed final image, for others I have also edited the original geometry. I have focused on the larger assets as they take up more screen space and therefore need to better stand up to scrutiny. There have also been adjustments made to the materials of some assets to help make, for example, the various metal material instances in the environment look more distinct from each other to add some variety.
Edited sculpture stand (original top, new bottom). |
Edited bookcase (original top, new bottom). |
Edited barrel (original top, new bottom). |
Across this project I've used a number of tiling materials and trim sheets, this has a number of benefits but runs the risk of looking repetitive. To break up that repetition and add in smaller detail I have used decals, these decals were created using both Adobe Substance Designer and Adobe Illustrator depending on what was more appropriate. I elected to use Unreals 4s Dbuffer Decal blending instead of the standard decal blending as it allowed me to project colour, roughness and normal information onto the surface at once.
Paint chipping on the railing (original top, new bottom). |
Scuff mark decals on the walls and floors. |