Week 11 - Fabric and Lighting

This week I spent time developing a reusable fabric material, I wanted the material to appear somewhat coarse as that felt more appropriate for the rest of the environment. I opted to keep the input albedo simple and find ways in the material graph of giving it the textured look I wanted using the normal and roughness. This meant I could reasonably drop any albedo in and it would work.
Close up of a rug.
Hanging drapes in the entryway,
Other cloth in the scene.

 Hanging elements simply looked wrong if they were completely static so I knew I needed to emulate a subtle breeze. The solution I settled on was to use a panning gradient within the fabric material in the world position offset. Scaler parameters would let me control how fast and strong the wind was blowing and I used vertex colours to mask out the areas I didn't want to blow in the wind. 

The redder the vertex colour the more that area is affected by the world position offset.

Wind simulation nodes in the material graph,

I also reassessed my lighting set-up this week, while I initially choose a night time setting to provide some contrast to the interior lights. the result was a more dingy atmosphere than I wanted. I pivoted to a day-time setting and experimented more with lighting it in this setting. I am overall much happier with this direction and will look to push in going forward.