This week I continued to decorate the environment with various assets, while I am aiming for the densely populated environments found in Monster Hunter: World I want to leave enough time to polish the scene. One of the larger assets I developed this week was the model of the creature "Tzitzi-Ya-Ku", a creature from Monster Hunter: World that I felt would help sell the "hunters lodge" aesthetic. I initially aimed for it to be a taxidermied creature, however that proved to be to high scope for this environment given the rest of the project so I changed it to a painted sculpture. I would still like to go back to the original plan if I have time at the end of the project but I felt it more important to have a finished version in-engine now.
Tzitzi-Ya-Ku sculpture in-scene. |
I also developed several boating assets, with the surrounding wetlands it would make sense for boats to be present it some compacity. I based the design of these assets of boat assets found in Monster Hunter: World, I had considered having the boat suspended such as they were in the game. However, I had not accounted for the skull when blocking out the environment as that was added later in the project. I looked at alternative locations in the rafters to place the boat but I was not happy with any of them so I placed it on the second floor instead.
The rowing boat, Palico boat, oars and hunting knife in-scene. |
A closer look at the hunting knife elsewhere in the scene. |