This week I was wholly focused on asset creation and texturing, mainly the walls, floors and roof assets. I aimed to have the floor and roof assets completed an in-engine by the end of this week and the wall assets fully modelled in low and high poly and UV unwrapped, with just texturing and engine implementation remaining. One of the biggest challenges I faced while texturing was maintaining something that looked good and in-line with Monster Hunter Worlds aesthetic. I adjusted the textures numerous times as I compared them within Unreal Engine 4. I am not wholly content with the art style of Monster Hunter: World, in particular, its roughness maps are general pushed very far to the white and lack nuance so I may experiment going forward with pushing worlds aesthetic in different directions.
Curved roof assets, sculpted in Zbrush, retopologized in Maya and textured in Substance Painter. |
The flooring assets. |
Several of the wall assets, sculpted in Zbrush, retopologized in Maya. |
I intend to work within Substance Designer substantially this module, this week I created two materials within Substance Designer. A mud material for use on the terrain and a wood material for texturing assets. I tried to cross-reference between screenshots of Monster Hunter: World and photos of the type of material I was aiming for what proved to be quite challenging overall.
Mud material created in Substance Designer. |
Wooden material created in Substance Designer. |